Our research has always gone hand in hand with the application of social science theory and methods. We find answers to pressing practical therapy issues which require decisions and action. Our team of experienced researchers employ a wide range of skills to find practical answers to contemporary problems. We undertake evaluations for helping organisations to evaluate their own contemporary issues. Underlining our work is a commitment to viewing research and consultancy as participatory; something done with rather than to, others


Our researchers work closely with their consultancy colleagues, and many of us work in both research and consultancy. We use theory and methods drawn from the social sciences to help individuals, groups and communities find creative solutions to the challenges they face. Our projects include evaluation, action research and applied research for clients in a range of sectors. Examples of the researches we have done include child marriages action research in collaboration with Hivos and Trocaire, anger, stress and self-stigma research targeting PLHIV and GBV survivors. These were done in collaboration with Trocaire.


Typically our research and evaluation work takes place in and around community based programmes and our current clients come from the NGO sector.  Our trainees undertake researches and the most recent studies focused on marital issues, drug and substance abuse, child sexual abuse, trauma related to Cyclone Idai and parenting issues.  We expect them to soon embark studies on the social effects of COVID-19