CONNECT provides counselling services that seek to develop and maintain positive relationships between individuals, couples, families, groups and communities. That way a safe environment is created for people to explore ways of improving on their communication and a better way of understanding each other. The philosophy informing our Family Therapists is largely premised on systemic ideas. We however some Therapists who continually explore working with narrative thinking, CBT and Pastoral therapy, and can avail their services on request. The therapy is conducted on appointment at our therapy centre, Stand 18149 Ganges Road, Harare, between 08:00hrs and 16:00hrs Monday to Friday.  Home counselling can be done on a special arrangement. Our clients present with a wide range of social, emotional and behavioral problems. These are mostly referred by medical practitioners, hospitals, psychologists, social workers, employers and friends whilst others self refer.

Marital and couple difficulties


 Divorce, separation, absent parenting, grand parenting, child parenting, step parenting and lone parenting

 Child marriages

Coping with effects of traumatic events, sexual abuse, gender based violence or emotional violence in the family.

Rebuilding relationships

  Issues arising out of illness, disability, death and dying.

 Alcohol and substance abuse

 Coping with effects of stress

Meeting challenges of life cycle stages

 Parenting issues with all age groups

 Issues related to Spirituality

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


We are offering counselling through creative online services. If you need urgent help and support, CONNECT can assist.
1. If you are a frontline worker, CONNECT is part of help for frontline workers
2. Advice for families
3. Support for communities
Requests for support can be directed to:

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


CONNECT offers consultancy services based on systemic principles for organisations working with specific problem areas such as bereavement, trauma, stress, retrenchments and retirements. Services can be provided at the workplace or at the CONNECT premises.

community based counselling

Zimbabwean low income communities, both urban and rural, are riddled with challenges that require psychosocial support. This has seen CONNECT partnering with donors in taking counselling to the communities. Initially we were supported by GTZ and TDH, giving counselling capacity to Community Home Based Caregivers (CHBC) in Hatcliffe and Epworth peri-urban areas. to respond to the challenge of HIV and AIDS. This proved to be cost effective and sustainable caring approach for communities. Currently we are working with Bikita and Mutasa Districts with support from Troicare and Hivos to provide Community based counselling in partnership with community based counsellors. These projects target girls and omen survivors of child marriages and all forms of gender based violence. Through this approach, communities are skilled to provide psychological first aid counselling. We continue to seek funding to scale up these community empowering activities. Programming is guided by the CONNECT community programming handbook.


Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


The counsellor makes the client comfortable, introduces a structured way of working, and gets information for record like name, address, next of kin and support network

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


Counsellor and client explore how othersystems are contributing to the problem and how the problem influences its maintenance in that system

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


The counsellor and client explore the problematic behaviour patterns, the belief systems that support these behaviours and the counselling goals

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


The counsellor and the client now try to come up with solutions. In the process, the counsellor tries to find evidence for the client's strenghts

Frequently asked questions

Counselling sessions are currently $ZWL per session . However, we do not turn away people who may not afford to pay for Counselling services

A session ranges from 30 minutes to 1 hour

Confidentiality is assured and it is one of our core values as an organisation

We have a team of capable therapists, However a client is free to specify the counseller they prefer in terms of Gender, language etc

Client is free to choose their language

Yes Online Counselling is available.

Testimonials from clients
(Please note, for confidentiality purposes, we are using pseudonyms )

"I used to beat up my wife and children, the whole community attributed my bad behaviour to evil spirits. I was then referred to Connect by the police and I have learnt to manage my anger. We are now living happily with my family. And we often sing together the song by the late Oliver Mtukudzi "Tozeza Baba" and laugh about my past"
"Ndakaudzwa nezveConnect Counselling natete vangu . Ndanga ndiine dambudziko rekutadza kurara nekushungurudzika mupfungwa nezvakawanda. Hurukuro nacounsellor dzakandibatsira . Ndakudya nekurara zvakanaka nekukurukura neshamwari dzangu ndisingazvitarisiri pasi."
""We were referred to Connect where we realised what was causing disharmony in our marriage was poor communication. We learnt to respect each other's opinions and we now quarrell less in our conversations.We are still seeing our therapist working on how to manage our finances "